World’s Greatest Militia

Wgm, 사상 최강의 군벌


NovelForest - Lets enjoy with World’s Greatest Militia. World’s Greatest Militia is covering in Sci-fi, Fantasy, Action, Horror, Adventure, Supernatural genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1 of novel World’s Greatest Militia now available at ReadNovelFull. World’s Greatest Militia, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by 칼튼90, Calten Park. They has 53 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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The moment when mercenary leader Kwang Hwi receives video game like abilities, the world is suddenly thrown into chaos. A thick fog envelops the Earth, bringing with it savage, otherworldly monsters. At the same time humanity has been rendered defenseless against this onslaught, as the strange fog turns most weapons to rust. With mankind spiraling towards oblivion, it is up to Kwang Hwi, with his new abilities, to save the world. Watch as Kwang Hwi leads his militia and becomes the last bastion of humanity. Will he be this world's savior, or its conqueror?

World’s Greatest Militia