The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss!

Authors : Xiangnuan An

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Comedy , Drama , Fantasy , Romance

Chapters: 760

Last update: a year ago

3.6 /5

NovelForest - Lets enjoy with The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss!. The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss! is covering in Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1 of novel The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss! now available at ReadNovelFull. The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss!, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by Xiangnuan An. They has 760 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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Xiang Yi was most famous vase in the entertainment industry.The subject of ridicule on the world wide web, she suddenly announced: She was going home to farm. Her anti-fans: Hehe. She deserves it.The next day, Xing Chen APP started a live broadcast stream of Xiang Yi's rural life.Heh? Why did a top ranking lawyer stop by for dinner?Heh? Why did a doctor come to raise chickens?Heh? Why is a famous fashion designer here to dye cloths?And why is an esports legend installing a swing set? What, You're her brother? You're also her brother??As the much anticipated grand slam actor Shi Sui made his grand descent into the scene, the anti-fans began to tremble as they weakly typed out on the screen: youAre you also her brother?The film star calmly squeezed Xiang Yi's cheeks and said calmly: I am her husband.

The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss!