Start With Contracting Sprites

Authors : Ink Paper Keyboard , 笔墨纸键

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Fantasy

Chapters: 670

Last update: 3 years ago

3.4 /5

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Su Hao awakes to a greatly changed world. Even vegetation and mountains can become sentient. Even an antique saber can produce a sprite? There are other subjects in education? Being a Sprite Trainer is the most popular job?..."What's Sprite stream?""Basic Sprite Knowledge Vol. 1, Standard textbook for regular high school curriculum... What the!? Wasn't I just reading for my Biology exams?"...Su Hao is flabbergasted as new memories and knowledge flood his mind.Being an avid web novel reader and otaku, what will Su Hao do?Of course, he decides to first find a cheat!

Start With Contracting Sprites