NovelForest - Lets enjoy with Spirit Vessel. Spirit Vessel is covering in Fantasy, Xianxia, Action, Martial Arts, Mature, Harem, Adventure, Romance, Comedy genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1: The Most Beautiful Woman of novel Spirit Vessel now available at ReadNovelFull. Spirit Vessel, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by Jiu Dang Jia, 九当家. They has 1060 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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A demon phoenix cultivator died in the hands of his beloved and was merged with a young master with the same name. Their souls were fused and now, the new Feng Fei Yun is struggling to become stronger and survive in the human world.Will he meet his lover once again? Will they reconcile even though she is now a Goddess and he a mortal human? And what is the Spirit Vessel that took his soul to this world?

Spirit Vessel