Shelter: All-Class Survival

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Sci-fi

Chapters: 372

Last update: 2 years ago

4.7 /5

NovelForest - Lets enjoy with Shelter: All-Class Survival. Shelter: All-Class Survival is covering in Sci-fi genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1 cliff shelter of novel Shelter: All-Class Survival now available at ReadNovelFull. Shelter: All-Class Survival, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by . They has 372 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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The players of the game "Doomsday Shelter" are summoned together to a strange world, which is full of dangers and opportunities. Players need to search for resources to strengthen the shelter in order to survive.Chen Chen, who traveled together, found that he had obtained the [All Profession Panel] and opened the first professional beekeeper. He relied on bees to detect danger, search for resources, and attack beastsContinue to cultivate more and more powerful bees, from now on, bees can kill mutant beasts and brew super honeyBees, known as super-individual creatures, became Chen Chen's most effective assistant, and at the same time Chen Chen's other occupations were also opened one by one - Description from MTLNovel

Shelter: All-Class Survival