She Became a Heartbreaker After Entering the Novel

Authors : Young Master Yan , 公子衍

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Drama , Romance

Chapters: 390

Last update: 3 years ago

4.5 /5

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All Ning Meng did was criticize the novel that she had read. When she woke up the next morning, she realized that she had entered the novel that she had read the previous night and became the unfaithful female supporting character. And soon, she would divorce her powerful husband and lead a miserable life. To prevent that from happening, Ning Meng has to find ways to stay by his side. That would mean she would make a lot of enemies along the way. Time for her to use the knowledge from the real world to turn her life around and not let others take advantage of her.

She Became a Heartbreaker After Entering the Novel