Romance of Dragons and Snakes

Longshe Yanyi, Rds, 龙蛇演义


NovelForest - Lets enjoy with Romance of Dragons and Snakes. Romance of Dragons and Snakes is covering in Fantasy, Wuxia, Action, Martial Arts, Romance genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1: Crouch up and down like a galloping horse, ascend into the sky and free the body and soul of novel Romance of Dragons and Snakes now available at ReadNovelFull. Romance of Dragons and Snakes, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by Ecstatic Dream Machine, 梦入神机, Meng Ru Shen Ji. They has 190 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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After forming ties with Tang Zichen of the secret Tang sect, Wang Chao began to rely on his exceedingly unusual determination to slowly walk towards the peak of martial arts. Fighting masters of every form of martial arts, joining and betraying the mysterious organization, and even joining every faction of power!

Romance of Dragons and Snakes