I Said Make My Abilities Average!

Authors : FUNA

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Action , Adventure , Comedy , Fantasy , Shoujo

Chapters: 471

Last update: 4 years ago

4.2 /5

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When Viscount Ascham's House's eldest daughter, Adele von Ascham, became 10 years old, she remembered everything with an intense headache.Her previous self, Kurihara Misato, 18 years old Japanese, lost her life when trying to help a young girl, and then she met GodA somewhat capable person burdened by the many expectations of the surrounding people, Misato, who couldn't live as she wanted, pleaded to God."In the next life, please make my abilities average!"Yet, somehow the story is wrong!The girl with 3 names, being careful to not accidentally become a S-rank hunter, lives normally.I mean, I'm just an average, common girl. No, seriously.

I Said Make My Abilities Average!