Horror Studio

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Sci-fi , Supernatural

Chapters: 1886

Last update: 3 years ago

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NovelForest - Lets enjoy with Horror Studio. Horror Studio is covering in Sci-fi, Supernatural genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1 Invitation from hell of novel Horror Studio now available at ReadNovelFull. Horror Studio, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by . They has 1886 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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A bizarre e-mail made Qian Cangyi's life drastically changed. He became an actor in hell movies and entered a quirky movie world. Here, there are many people like him in hell movies. Struggling to survive.Every time a movie is lived, the actors can receive varying amounts of pay, which can be exchanged for money, but more importantly, they can be exchanged for special props that can save their lives in the movie world.The mysterious stele of Yuxi Village, the scarlet blood moon of Hefang Island, the creepy crypt of a century-old school, the ghost ship of the mysterious seaEvery movie world hides an incomprehensible existence in Qiancang.Special props can certainly increase the chance of survival, but to survive in the hell movie, courage and wisdom are the only weapons he can rely on! - Description from Unknown

Horror Studio