Hardy Empire 1945

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Sci-fi , Urban Life

Chapters: 103

Last update: 3 years ago

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NovelForest - Lets enjoy with Hardy Empire 1945. Hardy Empire 1945 is covering in Sci-fi, Urban Life genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1 : Tom Hardy of novel Hardy Empire 1945 now available at ReadNovelFull. Hardy Empire 1945, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by . They has 103 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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Traveling through the world of rebirth film and television In 1945, Anyi started from a small gangster and built an empire of its own.He is a well-known underground king who created the Las Vegas casino with one hand.To create a private prison industry, no criminal dare to provoke him, because one day you will fall into his hands, and he can send you to heaven or hell.The Hardy Mercenary Corps has a combat power comparable to a country, and comfortably uses it to protect industries all over the world.No one knows how much wealth he has, because the most profitable industry in the world has the Hardy Group.Note: There is no heroine in this book, only women. - Description from MTLNovel

Hardy Empire 1945