Empress Running Away with the Ball


NovelForest - Lets enjoy with Empress Running Away with the Ball. Empress Running Away with the Ball is covering in Historical, Psychological, Romance, Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Josei, Martial Arts genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1: A zombie of novel Empress Running Away with the Ball now available at ReadNovelFull. Empress Running Away with the Ball, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by Luo Xiao Xi, 罗小西. They has 1040 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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On the wedding night, she was tied to his bed."Woman, you dare marry another man!"He was like a wolf as he devoured her until nothing was left."So the person forcing me into bed was you! You beast in human skin!" She clenched her teeth as she pushed against the wall to stand out of the bed.She, a king from modern times, was reborn. All those that owed her had to pay blood debts.But this king of evildoers, she had obviously not seen him before. Yet, she had to repay him with her body every night

Empress Running Away with the Ball