NovelForest - Lets enjoy with Dungeon Defense. Dungeon Defense is covering in Fantasy, Harem, Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Mature, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Seinen genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1 - Volume 1 of novel Dungeon Defense now available at ReadNovelFull. Dungeon Defense, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by Yoo Heonhwa, 유헌화. They has 46 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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Do you know how this world ends?Become the hero and defeat the 72 Demon Lords. The game that was boasted as the absolute hardest strategy game, Dungeon Attack.I used to be the hero' that had accomplished everything in this game, but after answering a suspicious survey, I found myself in the game as the weakest Demon Lord, Dantalian.With only my eloquent tongue and my memories of conquest as a hero.In order to survive as Dantalian. I shall tear this world apart.

Dungeon Defense