Can Someone Please Explain This Situation

Can Someone Please Explain What's Going On?!, Someone Please Explain This Situation! The Antics, 誰かこの状況を説明してください~フィサリス公爵家のあれこれ~

Authors : 徒然花 , Tsurezure Hana

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Slice of Life , Romance , Shoujo , Comedy , Historical

Chapters: 66

Last update: 2 years ago

4.4 /5

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The poor aristocrat Viola suddenly received an unexpected marriage proposal from the prestigious noble household of Duke Physalis. An average noble daughter and the handsome duke. She had been confused, thinking that nothing made sense, but the duke had his own personal reasons. A political marriage with ulterior motives, both having their own circumstances. Will this path lead to happiness or sorrow?

Can Someone Please Explain This Situation