Beauty and the Beasts

Authors : White-Headed Dream , 白头梦

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Comedy , Fantasy , Harem , Romance , Shoujo

Chapters: 1661

Last update: 2 years ago

3.9 /5

NovelForest - Lets enjoy with Beauty and the Beasts. Beauty and the Beasts is covering in Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Shoujo genres. Latest chapter, Chapter 1 of novel Beauty and the Beasts now available at ReadNovelFull. Beauty and the Beasts, one of the most popular novel of type Light Novel, written by White-Headed Dream, 白头梦. They has 1661 translated chapters and the translation of other chapters are in progress. Do you like that?
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As soon as she fell into the world of beastmen, a leopard forcibly took her back to his home. Indeed, Bai Qingqing is at a complete and utter loss. The males in this world are all handsome beyond compare, while the women are all so horrid that even the gods shudder at their sight. As a first-rate girl from the modern world (she's also a quarter Russian), Bai Qingqing finds herself sitting at the center of a harem filled with beautiful men at the very peak of existence.

Beauty and the Beasts