A Demon Lord’s Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss

I Became The Demon Lord So I Created A Dungeon And, Maou Ni Natta Node - Dungeon Tsukutte Jingai Musum, 因为成为魔王就一边建迷宫一边和人外娘过着暖心生活, 想自由生活的魔王默示录, 自由に暮らしたい魔王黙示録, 魔王になったので、ダンジョン造って人外娘とほのぼのする


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One day, I woke up only find out that I'd become a Demon Lord, an individual responsible for protecting a dungeon. The world I'd been spirited away to was one filled with violence. Gigantic monsters wandered through it and competed with each other each and every day for the right to survive. I had no choice but to strengthen my dungeon's defenses in hopes of living another dayor at least that was what I'd thought. For some odd reason, I instead ended up spending my days in relaxation and bliss.

A Demon Lord’s Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss