Star World Legendary Guild - Chapter 1664 : The famous gem dealer in the Kingdom of St. Madeleine "I wish the reader a great success…

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At around five in the morning on April 16, 1181 in Xingyu, Yan Tielong was cooking breakfast for his fiancee in the kitchen in the Poseidon Sect territory of the Feilong Kingdom.

It was just that Yan Tielong did not expect that the delicious breakfast he cooked would attract other hotel guests, so the innkeeper entered the kitchen and entrusted Yan Tielong to cook some delicious food for their guests. Of course, the innkeeper was willing to pay for it.

Looking at the reward of more than ten gold coins, Yan Tielong was a little surprised, but he quickly refused, saying that he was not short of money, and he just wanted to cook unique delicacies for his wife, and then asked the innkeeper not to disturb him cooking.

In the face of Yan Tielong's refusal, the innkeeper took out a bag of gold coins as a reward for Yan Tielong and asked for a small bowl of cooking food.

However, Yan Tielong refused once, which made the hotel owner very helpless. After all, this time their hotel came to a rich man who was not bad. Just now, the son of the rich man wanted to pay for the delicious food, so the rich man directly gave a bag of gold coins and promised that as long as he He was willing to pay a lot of money for his son's meal, so the innkeeper was willing to give Yan Tielong the entire sum of money in exchange for a small bowl of cooked food.

If the previous Yan Tielong was influenced by money, he would definitely agree, but now for Yan Tielong, money is the least valuable, how could it be compared to his loving breakfast.

Soon the innkeeper told the rich businessman Yan Tielong's refusal, which made the rich businessman's wife very dissatisfied, and she even reported a thousand gold coins directly. She did not believe that money could not buy food. Fortunately, the rich businessman was more rational and knew that money is indeed omnipotent. But sometimes money isn't everything, like his sick child.

It was about half past five. Yan Tielong had been cooking breakfast attentively in the kitchen. He should not be in a hurry to compare the food he cooked. A slight error in the operation would affect the taste of the food.

While Yan Tielong was cooking with heart, a waiter told Yan Tielong that his wife had woken up and was looking for him.

Hearing that his fiancee was looking for him, Yan Tielong began to put food on the tableware, and then went to his fiancee for breakfast with the food.

Yan Tielong cooked three flavors of seafood porridge for his fiancee, and the three flavors were spicy, sweet and fresh.

Shite Alia tasted her fiancé's hearty and loving breakfast. She was a little uncomfortable at the first bite, but soon afterward, the sweetness made her can't help but praise the deliciousness!

Hearing that his fiancee couldn't help but praise him, Yan Tielong was very happy. After all, no praise from his relatives is the best recognition for him.

Soon, Shite Alia tasted three bowls in a row; at this time, a rich woman dressed in gorgeous clothes came to Yan Tielong's table and threw a bag of gold coins directly to express that she wanted to buy the food Shite Alia was tasting now.

For the stranger who suddenly interrupted, not only Yan Tielong frowned, but even Shite Alia, who had just tasted the good food, also showed a dissatisfied expression.

Soon the two guards who appeared out of nowhere directly controlled the rich woman, and then the guards got Yan Tielong's order to frame the rich woman out.

The wealthy businessman who was looking for his wife saw two strong guards controlling his wife. He immediately realized that the one who cooked breakfast for his wife was actually a great nobleman. gold-edged badge.

The wealthy businessman apologized to Yan Tielong and Shite Alia, noting that Yan Tielong and Shite Alia did not respond, he immediately pressed his wife to apologize together.

Shite Alia apologized to the wealthy businessmen for not giving up their wives because of their status, so she asked them to leave with the wealthy women.

When the rich businessman heard the big noble women leave without punishing them, he kept expressing his gratitude, and then he took his wife and left together.

However, the rich woman's pull on her husband, she not only did not retreat, but directly asked Shite Alia for a bowl of seafood porridge, and expressed her willingness to be a slave.

The wealthy businessman was begging for his wife, he was a little confused, but rationally, he immediately apologized and dragged his wife away.

Seeing the reaction of the two wealthy people, Alia Shite stopped the wealthy businessman from dragging her, and then she pointed out that the wealthy couple in front of her was not short of money, and it was not difficult to get a bowl of seafood porridge. Why do you have to have her seafood porridge?

Faced with the inquiry of Shit Arya, the rich merchant's wife immediately saluted and told the reason.

It turned out that the wealthy businessmen and couples in front of them were named Magota Yin and Lokrimis. They were all from the Kingdom of St. Maderen, and they directly operated the jewelry business. Because of their good business, their jewelry business was already 38% in the Kingdom of St. Maderen.

Qiang Ran Magodayin and Lokrimis are doing well in business, but the two sides pay too little attention to their children, which also makes their children unclear about anorexia. After they learned that the child had severe anorexia, he looked for them. A master pharmacist, it turned out that the couple directly prepared for the funeral, because their children couldn't even drink water, let alone potions.

However, at that time, Magota Yin got a treasure to maintain his son's life, which can last until now, but if the child's anorexia is not solved in the near future, then there is no doubt that he will die.

For Shit Aaliyah inquiries why are you here? Magota Yin said that during his business with the jeweler of the Feilong Kingdom, he learned that there is a sea **** religion in the Feilong Kingdom. As long as he is satisfied with the worship, he can obtain a miracle. He believes that the miracle should be able to cure his child's illness, so he came here. to here.

Of course, Magota Yin also said that their people got a small spoonful of seafood porridge from Yan Tielong's cooking tools, but his child actually ate it, and it was not enough, so they asked Yan Tielong and Shite Alia for porridge.

Shite Alia heard that the other couple wanted seafood porridge for their children, so she directly gave all the rest of the porridge to each other, and asked Yan Tielong to give the other couple the cooking method of seafood porridge.

Faced with the request of his fiancee, Yan Tielong said helplessly that even if he gave the other a recipe, the other couple would not be able to cook it.

Hearing that Yan Tielong gave them the recipe and couldn't cook, Lokrimis immediately expressed her dissatisfaction. She told that the attendants they brought were master chefs.

Hearing that the other party was not satisfied, Yan Tielong directly wrote the recipe and threw it to the other party.

After Lokrimis finished reading the recipe, she asked her husband in a low voice if she knew some of the ingredients in the recipe, but Magda Yin only knew the same thing, and he had never heard of the remaining six ingredients.

Seeing the suspicious look of the couple on the other side, Yan Tielong reported the names of the remaining six ingredients and their areas of expertise.

At first, Lokrimis didn't believe it at all, and there were six ingredients left. After all, they grew in the Winged Continent, Ice and Fire Continent, Orc Continent and Elf Continent.

Faced with the disbelief of Lokrimis, the two guards directly indicated that Yan Tielong was the president of the Sacred Mark Guild.

And Magda Yinda knew about the Sacred Pattern Trade Union, because if the businessmen in the jewelry business didn't know about the Sacred Pattern Guild, their business would definitely not be much better. After all, the jewelry of the Saint Pattern Guild was cheaper than that of the miners. , Now 40% of all kinds of gems on the human continent are from the Holy Pattern Union.

After learning of Yan Tielong's identity, Magoda Yin was willing to buy from Yan Tielong the ingredients that cannot be obtained by seafood porridge at a high price.

And hearing that Magda Yin was willing to pay a huge amount of wealth for the sake of the child, Shit Alia asked her fiancé to see the situation of their child for the other party, and treat them if they could.

Faced with his fiancee's request, Yan Tielong couldn't refuse, so he expressed that he wanted to see Magota Yin and their children.

For Yan Tielong to see their children, Magota Yin naturally would not refuse, so they took Yan Tielong and Shite Alia to their room.

Through diagnosis, Yan Tielong found that Magota Yin's child not only suffered from severe anorexia, but also suffered from a kind of poison called Xiuxue Poison, which would make the poisoned person more tired and prone to malnutrition, of course. It is also a favorite of the big stomach king.

Hearing that the child was still poisoned, Magdalen and Locles couldn't believe it. After all, they invited a master pharmacist to diagnose, and the result was just anorexia.

Yan Tielong didn't believe Magota Yin and the others. He just pierced the child's finger, and a little orange-red blood came out, and then let the child's parents smell the obvious smell of rust.

Seeing the color of the child's blood, Magota Yin had realized that the child might have been poisoned, but in order to confirm Yan Tielong's statement, he sniffed and found that there was indeed a very obvious smell of rust.

Of course, in order to prove the authenticity, Magota Yin also gave himself a knife, but the color was different from that of his own child. After smelling the smell, he was really sure that there was something wrong with the child, so he couldn't help asking Yan Tielong's pharmacist level. Could it have exceeded the level of a pharmacy master.

Yan Tielong took out dozens of cyan pills from the space ring, while telling that he was not at the master level.

After feeding the child a pill, Yan Tielong instructed the child's mother to let the child take one pill every day, thinking that the anorexia would be cured after a week, and then gave the child a taste of seafood porridge.

Hearing Yan Tielong's remarks, Magota Yin suddenly realized something, his face was very ugly, and then he asked Yan Tielong to save the child.

Hearing Magota Yin's request, Yan Tielong said that he had solved the child's anorexia, and the Xiuxuedu was a good thing for Magota Yin's wealth. Of course, if the other party must solve it, he can also help solve it. .

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