Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins - Chapter 684 scholar

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Two months later, the West Sea.

In the command room, Ilu Mi was sorting out a lot of documents, and the others were playing cards and chatting as usual.

In two months, Ilu Mi has been fully integrated into it, and obtained a lot of information through the identity of the intelligence officer.


Suddenly, the phone worm on the desk rang.

"This is under the command of Lieutenant General Gumir."

Ilumi answered the phone immediately, and everyone else was used to Ilumi's positivity.

"This is CP9. Inform Lieutenant General Gumir. After arriving at O'Hara, immediately send someone down to surround the Tree of Omniscience and arrest the scholar."


The voice fell, and the phone hung up.

Yilu Mi walked out of the command room, walked out of the cabin with ease, and came to the deck.


A gust of salty and humid sea breeze blew, and Ilumi looked into the distance, O'Hara Island was already in sight, and the warship was about to land.

"You have to figure out a way to get on with it."

Illumi thought to himself, turned and walked straight to the bow, and conveyed the command from CP9 to Vice Admiral Gumir.

"Brigadier General Hellman."

Lieutenant General Gumir looked at O'Hara in front of him without turning his head.

"Hi Yi!"

Adjutant Brigadier General Hellman agreed and immediately went down to arrange for soldiers to land and arrest.

Illumi turned and left, entered the cabin, and transformed into an ordinary soldier in a sailor suit in an unmanned corner.

Ten minutes later, Ilu Mi got off the ship with hundreds of naval soldiers.

"What is the navy doing?"

"I don't know."

"A lot of soldiers, are you here to arrest people?"

At the O'Hara port at this time, a large number of O'Hara residents gathered, looking at the huge warship parked in the port with curiosity and awe, and there were many discussions.

"Hurry up!"

"The first and second teams will go to the residential area, and the third and fourth teams will go to the commercial area!"

Under the simple arrangement of a sergeant, hundreds of soldiers were divided into four teams and went to various areas of O'Hara Island to search for and capture scholars.

"We're in the first team."

In the crowd, Yilu Mi and Enwei were both assigned to the first team and went to the residential area.

"Our goal is the Tree of Omniscience, and the rest is left to the Navy."

Just as Ilumi and the two were mixed with the navy team and headed to the residential area, a group of men in black landed, running towards the tree of omniscience with guns in their arms.

Their number is no less than the number of naval soldiers who landed.

Ilumi looked back, and sure enough, there was a warship with the flag of the World Government moored at the port. Among the hundreds of busy World Government agents, three men in black were walking off the warship in a hurry.

"Damn, why should labor and capital be sent to a remote rural area like Xihai?"

"I'm the commander of CP9."

"Go back after arresting the scholar in three or two times."

The man in the middle was wearing a black striped coat with a black suit and red shirt inside. He walked with his hands in his pockets, looking arrogant.

It is the commander of CP9, Spandain.

The two men in black beside him were the CP9 secret agents who served as his guards.

"How do we do it?"

Envi asked.

"Let's go to the tree of omniscience."

Yilu Mi replied, and immediately, the two left the team on the way to the residential area and came to a corner.

Illumi's body flashed with white light, and he had turned into a special agent in a black straight suit, and his face had returned to his youthful appearance.

Afterwards, the two agents who became agents followed the rest of the agents to the Tree of Omniscience.

Five minutes later, the tree of omniscience.

By the time Illumi and Envi arrived, most of the scholars in the Tree of Omniscient had been arrested and sat in the grass outside the Tree of Omniscient, guarded by several agents armed with guns.

"Hey, the scholars have all been arrested!"

"What the **** did they do?"

"I heard that there is research on how to destroy the world."

"How could scholars do such a thing, liar?"

Residents stood on the street not far away, looking at the scholars who were arrested with worry on their faces.

O'Hara's archaeologists are O'Hara's pride, saying that they carry out research that destroys the world, and few people believe it at all.

"Tsk, there's a little girl."

Suddenly, Enwei looked to the side, and a black-haired girl in a red-brown dress passed by them and ran to the scholars in the grass.

Illumi looked at the girl's back, it was eight-year-old Nico Robin.

Children are more sensitive. When Illumi was watching her, Nico Robin easily noticed his gaze and turned to look at Illumi.

Illumi withdrew his gaze as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the Tree of Omniscience.

When the two stepped into the tree of omniscience, the world's largest library, it was already in chaos. Dozens of World Government agents rummaged through the boxes, looking for the secret room with the historical text.


Huge bookcases were overturned one after another, and the ground was full of books.

"Be sure to find it out for me!"

"There must be a secret room here!"

An agent with a gun in his arms, stood in the center and commanded all the staff.

"Hey! You bastards, what have you done to our precious information!?"

"The books here are the wealth of the world!"

An archaeologist in a white uniform protested sharply and took the initiative to stop the rioting government agents.

"Why are you still here!? Hurry up and drag him out!"

The officer shouted just now, and two agents immediately surrounded him, and the three agents worked together to drag the unwilling scholar out.


Just then, an explosion sounded.

Ilumi and the two heard the news and looked over, only to see that the west corner of the library had been blasted open, revealing an entrance to the secret room.

"Found the secret room!"

Someone shouted, and dozens of agents rushed into the secret room.


There was a gunshot outside, and Yilu Mi looked back at the gate. It seemed that the Five Old Stars had already issued an attack order, and it was time to hurry up.

Yilu Mi stepped into the secret room, and a huge ore with a large number of unknown characters came into view, which was the text of history.

"This... is this the historical text?"

"Yeah, I don't know what material it is made of. I heard that no matter whether it is bombed or otherwise, it can't hurt him in the slightest."

"Is there such a thing? What a strange stone."

"Is this kind of thing still around the world?"

A group of government agents gathered in front of the historical text, looking at the huge ore exuding a heavy historical atmosphere in front of him, even if it was just a dead object, it was treated like this by the world government and could not help but feel awe.


Suddenly, an explosion sounded, the tree of omniscience vibrated violently, the secret room was penetrated by a shell, and a large number of books and materials in the secret room were set on fire.

In an instant, the secret room turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Damn, the naval attack has begun!"

"Come on, O'Hara is about to sink!"

The expressions of the dozens of agents in the secret room changed suddenly, and they turned around and fled regardless of the historical text.

"Tsk, are we going too?"

Envi asked as he watched the agents escape from the secret room.

"Of course." Ilumi replied, walking towards the historical text, reaching out with his right hand and touching the cold text on it, "But the plan has changed, we have to take this stone away."

"Such a heavy stone, you have to call Sloth out."

Enwei said, because of Sloth's strength, he could carry this boulder and run away.

"Add Pride and Kim Bradley."

Three groups of black shadows shot out from under Ilumi's feet, squirming quickly, and condensed into three figures, one figure was four meters high, one was one meter eight, and one was about one meter four. It was Sloth and Kim Bradley. , and Pride.


As soon as Slos appeared, he began to cry tired.

"What's the situation now?"

Kim Bradley asked, glancing around. It was a sea of ​​fire.

Pride did not say a word, walked to the fallen bookcase next to him, and pulled out an intact book from it.

"Enwei." Ilumi looked at Enwei and asked Enwei to explain to the two of them, then looked at Slos, "Slos, come and bring this stone."



Sloth walked towards the historical text while shouting tired. Under the gazes of the three of Ilumi, Sloth bent down, spread his arms, and hugged the sharp corners of the historical text. The historical text is held high and carried on the shoulders.

Sloth is four meters tall and has an amazing latitude. With such a burly figure, carrying such a huge cube of ore, the visual effect is extremely shocking.

"That's all the information."

When Sloth raised the historical text, Envi also informed Kim and Pride of all the little information.

"It's almost time, let's go."

Illumi turned around and walked towards the door of the secret room. Pride and Kim Bradley followed him from left to right. Enwei was a little behind and walked with Slos, who was carrying the historical text.


Every time Sloth took a step, there would be a heavy footstep sound, just like a giant clan walking. Although the pace was slow, it was able to closely follow the three of Ilumi.

When they walked out of the secret room, they found that the outer hall was full of more than two dozen O'Hara archaeologists, who were rescuing books and archaeological documents that had been ignited by artillery fire.

"Hurry up and throw all the literature out of the library!"

"One more book is one book, one more chapter or one more word!"

"Please God bless the thoughts of our ancestors accumulated over thousands of years..."

"It can be passed on to future generations!"

More than 20 scholars, regardless of their lives to save the documents and materials, threw them out of the library one by one in an attempt to preserve them.

"It's useless, don't waste your time."

"Once the slaughtering order is launched, it will continue until the last piece of land in O'Hara sinks."

"Even if you throw these documents into the water, they will sink to the bottom of the sea with O'Hara and rot over time."

Ilumi suddenly spoke up, interrupting the movements of the scholars. The scholars in the library heard the sound and looked at the door of the secret room.

"Who are you!? Agents of the World Government?"

"That's... historical text?"

"Damn, is the world government going to take away even the historical text?"

"Are you going to seal it up and not let anyone touch it?"

Scholars looked at Ilu Mi in a suit and thought he was an agent of the World Government, especially when they saw Slos, who was carrying the historical text behind him, they were even more excited.

"Make no mistake, we're not from the world government."

Ilumi opened his mouth in denial, causing the emotional scholars to be startled.

"You're not from the World Government? Then what are you doing with the historical text?"

The authority in the world of archaeology, Dr. Hallock of O'Hara stood up and asked.

"I am very interested in [Blank One Hundred Years]." Ilumi raised a gentle smile on his face, "It just so happens that you are all archaeologists who study the text of history."

"I can take you away."

"How, do you want to come with us?"

Illumi came to Dr. Harlock and smiled.

"Young man, I don't know who you are, but it's best not to have anything to do with [Blank Hundred Years]."

"The world government will not let you go."

Dr. Harlock frowned and looked at Illumi with a serious tone.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of the world government."

"I will take you away, and you can continue your research."

"Wouldn't it be great to continue chasing your dreams without losing your life?"

Illumi spread his arms and smiled.

Dr. Harlock stared at Ilumi, his brows furrowed, he was thinking about the purpose of Ilumi, this guy of unknown origin, what is the purpose of staring at the historical text.

If the purpose of taking them away was to help him study ancient weapons, he would rather die here.

Illumi stood with his hands in his pockets, waiting for Dr. Harlock's answer.


Outside, artillery fire continued, the ground trembled incessantly, shells hit the tree of omniscience one after another, and the world's largest library was already crumbling.

"Dr. Hallock, let's... promise him."

"O'Hara, it's over."

"But we, at least you can't die!"

"You are O'Hara's hope and the treasure of world civilization!"

A scholar couldn't help but persuade them, it doesn't matter what they do, but Dr. Hallock shouldn't die here.

"Yes, Doctor, you promise him."

"Leave it to us here."

"We will do everything in our power to salvage the literature."

A famous scholar persuaded, Dr. Hallock's clenched fists trembled faintly, and his heart was struggling.

"Doctor, we're running out of time."

"Make a decision!"

Olvia, who was on the side, spoke, causing Illumi to turn her gaze to her. Olvia noticed his gaze and turned to look at Illumi, her firm eyes looking at Illumi.

"Whether he is the enemy of the world government, or some villain with wicked plans for the world."

"We have no choice now, if we die, we have nothing!"

"Dr. Halllock!"

"Make up your mind!"

Olvia and Illumi's eyes met, and they persuaded Dr. Harlock again.

"Are you still undecided?" Seeing that Dr. Hallock was unimpressed, Ilumi decided to add a bit of leverage, "Then, I will add another condition. As long as you follow me, I will put the rest of the historical text. I leave it all to you to study."

As soon as Yilumi said this, the scholars were shocked, and they all looked at Yilumi with doubts and curiosity in their eyes.

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