Non-Human Sub-district Office


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Lin Mu rescued a Samoyed.Capable of eating, smiling, has a high IQ. Picks up anything you teach him quickly, a good helper around the house.The only thing was that he doesn't bark nor wag his tail.Lin Mu took a ham sausage and coaxed for the thousandth time, "wag your tail, and this ham sausage is yours to eat."The Samoyed raised his eyes impatiently, and with a single shake of his tail, shook out nine.Lin Mu: F*ck.Afterwards, the fox that did not wish to reveal his name, Mr. Yan Xuanjing, said in an interview: "Now I regret, I deeply regret. At that time, I shouldn't have pretended to be a dog to take advantage of him, shouldn't have touched him, rubbed against him, eaten his food and slept in his bed. Now I have a home that I can't return to and a wife I can't sleep with, I regret, deeply regret."A learned and easy-going professional grudge-bearing Shou x A certain nine-tailed fox who refuses to say his name and was forced to go to the mortal realm without money Gong - Description from Novelupdates

Non-Human Sub-district Office