Little Prodigal Alliance Head (and Cook)


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Other people's Alliance Heads are unrivaled in the lands, with an incomparable domineering air. With a shake of their arm they could cause a thousand waves to ripple throughout Jianghu.Tang Doudou practically wants to flip the table!Cook, warm the bed, warm the bed, cook She's completely been caught up in a goddamned cycle!After she finishes she still has to ask a phrase of husband-sama are you pleased?Uncle could endure but Auntie can't endure!"Wife has worked hard. A moment in the spring night is worth a thousand pounds of gold, when we get home this husband will give you a massage!" This demonically charming black-bellied man's phoenix eyes flashed as he smiled with a completely harmless expression.Tang Doudou looked to the sky speechless,

Little Prodigal Alliance Head (and Cook)